Seven Minutes in Purgatory returns to Chicago November 18th!

Ian Abramson and The Steamroller's standup comedy science experiment returns to Chicago with a special one night only event on !

Standup comedians perform their material directly to a camera alone in a soundproof room while the audience watches live onscreen at the beautiful and historic Music Box Theater.

Guests include Danny Kallas, Mike Lebovitz, Rebecca O'Neal, Candy Lawrence, Jeff Steinbrunner, Trey Brown, and John Eisenrich.

This show doubles as the tour kickoff event for Thanksgiving in Purgatory: Ian Abramson on Tour, which will take Ian and Seven Minutes in Purgatory all over the Midwest in the following two weeks. Comics in Denver, Omaha, and Kansas City will have the chance to participate in their own pop-up edition of 7MiP before Ian moves to Los Angeles in December.

Poster design by Tim Giuliani

Poster design by Tim Giuliani

My Spotify Playlist by Ian Abramson

Do you ever have days where you’re just stressed and overwhelmed? I certainly do.

Some days I just feel stressed and overwhelmed. I don’t always know how to solve my problems, but what clears my head is a great playlist on Spotify. The right song leading into another can really make me feel like I’m not on the verge of bankruptcy. Financially, or morally!

On those days where I just can’t even, here is my go to list of songs:

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Weirdos Exposed: Tonight, One Night Only Until It Happens Again In A Few Weeks

The Upstairs Gallery is closing. We're all aware of that and it sucks and is crappy but also I'm glad they've got the foresight to go out on top. In this, their last few weeks of doing shows, they've begun putting up shows every night of the week, and were nice enough to give me .

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This Weekend: A Double Dose of The Steamroller Presents...

So this weekend is a big one! The Steamroller is presenting two huge events, one recurring show that you're read about before, and one all-new one, that you've also read about before. Tonight (Friday, May 16th) at 11pm is the latest edition of , a hybrid sketch/improv/standup comedy show presented by The Steamroller and Upstairs Gallery at The Den Theatre in Wicker Park.

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Ian Abramson Answers the FAQs About “7 Minutes in Purgatory” Without Hearing the Questions

Stand-up is a comedian telling jokes, and an audience responding. The comedians knows how they’re doing based on that response.

So what if the comedian had no idea if they were bombing, or killing?

On May 17th at 10:30pm at The Upstairs Gallery, I’m teaming up with The Steamroller to present , where I hope to find out.

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Double Feature returns!

Now that the Lincoln Lodge has found a new home in Subterranean, all of the many awesome shows that the Lodge houses and supports also have a new home! Double Feature, a really great show that features screenings of comedic short films with sets from local standups, is one of these shows!

DF producers Ian Abramson, Tim Barnes, Melody Kamali, and Marlena Rodriguez are back with a new video promo hyping the show's return on Wednesday, March 26th! Get your tickets here!

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