Dear Diary,
Jude here, with some big news. HIJINKSBUSTERS (after being pushed back a million times for things like Jangleheart, HIJINKSfest, and prom) is FINALLY tomorrow!
In case you didn’t know, diary (AS IF I HAVEN’T TALKED ABOUT IT ENOUGH) HIJINKSBUSTERS is my DREAM SHOW! I get be a HIJINKSBUSTERS for one whole night! I get to be Jamie, Venkman, Adam, Slimer AND Carl Spackler all wrapped in a JUDE BLANKET SANDWICH! O.M.Gosh! I hope all the girls think I’m cute after the show! I’m talking to you, Steph Cook (don’t tell, diary! :-P!!!).
When I first came up with everyone’s individual HIJINKS (HIJINKS=Myth *~*ObViOuSlY*~*), I just thought it would be funny to see that specific person do it, little did I know I had stumbled upon their greatest weaknesses!
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