The Telethon was a long-running sci-fi/comedy/variety show I was a part of. It ended. Done. Gone. Kaput. wrote about it on this very blog right before we closed up shop for good. Goodbye, Chicago. Goodbye, cruel world.
Read MoreComedians in Cars Getting Weird About Race Stuff by Sean Rose
Most of us, by now, have seen . If you haven't, a quick synopsis: the interviewer mentioned that on Jerry's show Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee, most of the guests were white men. Before he could finish this question, Jerry got a little agitated - clearly, a nerve was hit - and eventually said the following:
"People think it's the census or something … who cares? Funny is the world that I live in. You're funny — I'm interested. You're not funny — I'm not interested. I have no interest in gender or race or anything like that, but everyone else is kind of with their little calculating – 'Is this the exact right mix?' – to me, it's anti-comedy, it's more about PC nonsense than 'Are you making us laugh or not?'"
This turned into a thing. Gawker, Splitsider, and a few other places picked up on it. And, eventually, lots of my friends involved in comedy got wind of it and started posting about it. It sparked a bit of a debate, with a bunch of mixed perspectives, but one side of the debate seemed to be prevalent: that this interviewer was out of line for even bringing up race, that Jerry's comments were 100% valid, and that expecting Comedians Getting Cars to have a 'diverse' set of guests is ridiculous. I might have caught a Martin Luther King quote here, an affirmative action mention there. But the overall verdict, from almost every comedian friend I know: Jerry is right. Totally right.
Read MoreCollectors Edition says goodbye to Conor Sullivan!
I've lived in Chicago for almost 4 years. For most of that time, I've known , my good friend who is leaving for Los Angeles next month. For a lil while I'd had plans to eulogize Conor here on the Steamroller, but I don't think that would be fair to him because Conor leaving Chicago to bigger and better things is nothing but a positive thing. He is moving on to do things he's always wanted to do, and I am sincerely proud of him.
Read MoreInterview: Scooper, author of Little Boys Room
Little Boys Room, a webcomic glorifying bad attitudes and rule breaking, is making its debut on The Steamroller this week. To commemorate, regular contributor Sean Rose interviewed Richard “Scooper” Scooperman, the reclusive creator of the strip. The following interview took place over email.
Read MoreSean Rose likes Music Videos: a column by Sean Rose
Hi folks. I've had a bit of a challenge over the past week, 'cause typically for this column I like to talk about one video and one video alone, but I feel like I am unable to do this. I am unable to do this because this weekend I bought Beyonce, the new out-of-nowhere Beyonce album that came into this world seemingly out of nowhere this past Friday, and it has lorded over my thoughts ever since. Because not only is it a 14-track album, but it's also seventeen music videos - that's a video for every song, plus a bonus track. And this isn't just a random assortment of videos released as a fun bonus for fans - these videos were clearly designed to be watched all together, in sequence. Like a visual album!!
Read MoreSean Rose likes Music Videos: a column by Sean Rose
Hello there everyone. Sean here. I'm not usually one to plug my shows in this column, but there's one coming up that I want ALL OF YOU to attend: CHRISTMAS EDITION: A Very Special Collector's Edition Holiday Show, Party and Fundraiser. It's gonna be at the Upstairs Gallery this Friday, December 13th, at 8pm. And as the title suggests, not only are you gonna get a wonderful Collector's Edition Christmas Special full of wonderful Holiday's Cheer, but there's an actual for-real Christmas party afterwards at the Upstairs Gallery itself! It's going to be oh so wonderful. You've gotta go to this one. I promise that your Christmas will be INCOMPLETE without it.
Read MoreSean Rose likes Music Videos: a column by Sean Rose
Some music videos change lives. Today I would like to talk about one that I guarantee will change yours: "King Of Rock" by Run-DMC.
Read MoreSean Rose likes Music Videos: a column by Sean Rose
Hi again everyone. It is me, Sean, here to once again talk to you about a music video. This week, we're gonna talk about the video for "She's Gone" by Hall & Oates.
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