Open enrollment in Freak Happening's Free Comedy College begins tomorrow night!

Tomorrow night (Friday, 1/31), local "Deans of the comedy scene" Goodrich Gevaart & Nick Rouley will, for one night only, host a very special, all-inclusive, totally free STAND UP COMEDY CLASS, featuring guest lecturers Megan Gailey, Stephanie Hasz, Mitch Kurka, and a special SKETCH COMEDY MINI MASTERCLASS from Oh Theodora.

Now, legally, they're not allowed to say that comedians that don't attend the seminar will not be booked on future editions of Freak Happening, but trust that graduates of the program are looked upon very fondly.

Freak Happening. Friday 1/31 (and the final Friday of every month after that). 8pm. saki. 3716 W. Fullerton. All ages. Free. BYOB.