Stop complaining about that 9-5 job that is killing your soul. No, seriously. Shut the fuck up.
Inspiration comes in all forms: A mating butterfly, a thinly veiled click-bait Mashable article quoting poignant things famous funny people said, a surly bartender cutting you off from "ruining your life" or "driving."
Open another web browser tab and pretend to work on that spreadsheet while listening to Dane Cook's new album like the rest of America, America. Or you know what you could do? You could quit your job and follow a more rewarding career path. Go back to school, be the Devil Sticks guy at a Ren Fest. Like, have you ever been to Burning Man? It's totally networking central!
Follow your dreams. Me, I'm going to be a comedian. I'm going to listen to my relatives' advice and do my skits and just be on the SNLs or the Broadways like they say I should be.
Be motivated by the one thought-provoking out of context meme a terribly successful hard-working comedian said once. Ignore the fact that these inspiring people are also probably the most self-loathing, misanthropic, alcoholic, narcissistic, lucky, socially awkward, insecure humans the planet. Ignore the fact that they've probably said some other things too.
Remember, heroes have health insurance.
-Thea Lux