Missed Connection: A very good video by Anthony McBrien

Local comic and filmmaker Anthony McBrien wrote and shot this excellent short inspired by a popular Craigslist missed connection. This is McBrien's "real world version" based on the saccharine sweet post, and really benefits from the slow burn approach. The short stars  and , and accompanying song is "Fireflies" by James Harris Moore.

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Rollie Sandifer for Bathrobe Commisoner

and the folks from  bring you an important message this election season.

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Yell You Better: Episode 4

Yell You Better is an insane video series by Katie McVay and Anthony McBrien. The show's advice column format is a perfect venue for McVay's hyperkinetic, maniacally friendly persona. The Steamroller is happy to be premiering the fourth episode in the series, which you can see below.

Check the show's  for past episodes and email them at yellyoubetter @ gmail.com if you're in need of advice.