21 Events That Led To Moral Hazard by Walt Delaney, Chandler Goodman, and Mark Logsdon

, a very good two-man-one-man-show that explores the financial collapse of the mid-to-late '00s from personal and political perspectives, is one of the most interesting comedy shows I've seen this year. After a wildly successful run earlier this year, the show is returning to CIC for another run, this one dubbed Moral Hazard Part Deux: Dead and Loving It. If you missed the show the first time around, this is a great chance to catch this totally unique and captivating show. 

Moral Hazard , with a run of shows every Wednesday this month and every Friday in July. As a means of proving a bit of background, the show's creators and producers, Walt Delaney, Chandler Goodman, and Mark Logsdon, have compiled a timeline of 21 events that were integral to the production of the show.


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Interview: Moral Hazard's Walt Delaney, Chandler Goodman, and Mark Logsdon

Moral Hazard, a new "two person one man show" from Walt Delaney (Pizza Party, The TomKat Project) and Chandler Goodman (Squall, Shinbone Alley) premieres at Chemically Imbalanced Comedy Saturday night at 8pm. Directed by Mark Logsdon, the show interweaves true stories from Walt's experiences working at a finance company in 2007, just as the global financial collapse was hitting, with Chandler, a fan of all things economic theory, providing a breakdown of the ins and outs of the collapse on a macro level. It's also a comedy, drawing influence from Walt's experiences in The TomKat Project, as well as infotaitional shows that seek to educate, as well as inform, like Good Eats and Bill Nye, The Science Guy.

In advance of Saturday night's premiere, I talked over email to Walt, Chandler, and Mark about the show's creation and development. Moral Hazard runs Saturdays at 8 through March 1st, tickets are $10 and can be purchased here.

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