One of my favorite shows I've seen this summer was the double bill of Pizza Party and Where Da Party At? at iO. It was recently announced that their initial run of dates were extended through September 17th, and in celebration of their great successes thus far, Where Da Party At? member Kristina Felske has sent over a list of ten Chicagoans who are definitely in a show upstairs at iO on Tuesdays at 10:30.
Read MoreSuper Human's Freaky Friday megapost
In addition to their weekly show at iO, the all-female improv group run an featuring anonymous true stories full of youthful obliviousness, body fluids, and sex stuff from each of the team's 10 members. The mind-blowing twists and horrifying feats of childhood embarrassment chronicled on this blog are punctuated with awesome one-liners that totally kill in and out of context. The gals from Super Human sent over a list of their ten favorite quotes from past Freaky Friday entries, as well as a new story exclusive to the Steamroller!
Read MoreThe Late Live Show's Point of Reference by Joe Kwaczala
The Late Live Show's sixth and final season kicks off tomorrow (Saturday, March 23rd) at midnight at iO. I've been a fan of the show for as long as I've been going to comedy shows in Chicago and am sad to see them go (it's no mercy killing, either, the show's wrapping up because , Late Live's host and co-creator is moving to Los Angeles this summer). I hope to catch as many of the eight shows they've got lined up between tomorrow and May 11th, and you should plan to do the same.
Joe's here now to take us behind the scenes to the Late Live Show's writers room, offering a glimpse into the cultural detritus that often sidetracks their writing processes. You can pick up tickets for any/all Late Live Shows here.
Read MoreInterview: Facemelt
Every Thursday this month, two two-person sketch teams from the Kill All Comedy collective, and , will perform their new conjoined sketch show, Facemelt at iO. All four performers involved with the show, Steph Cook and Joey Dundale from TV Screams, and Devin Bockrath and Brian McGovern from Dumbface, were nice enough to talk to me about their background and the process behind putting up Facemelt.
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