Bruce is back!

After some much-needed rest, your favorite webcomic about a recently divorced, manic depressive anthropomorphic Moose is back with another touching installment. Check it out over at the dedicated Bruce page.

Our friend , who writes and illustrates Bruce every week, recently published Cyclone, which you can buy online directly from his website, as well as at Chicago Comics, Graham Crackers Comics, and saki. You should pick up a copy, it's excellent.

Bruce takes a week off, Zaffy & Fozz fill in!

Bruce the Moose has been going through a lot lately, so it's best that he gets a week off. In lieu of Bruce's regular appearance, his creator, , sent over an excerpt from his soon-to-be-published comic Cyclone, which you can view below. (Click on each of the two images to view them full size) .

Cyclone will be available from Ethan's website this Friday (August 16th). Check back next week for your regularly scheduled installment of Bruce the Moose!

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New Bruce the Moose!

The exciting conclusion to last week's cliffhanger episode of Bruce the Moose is now live! Head over to the dedicated Bruce page (or click the cool ass new "webcomics" link up on the top menu) to find what fate awaits our heroic anthropomorph!

Another Bruce the Moose after a quiet week!

Steamroller took the holiday week off last week, but is back with another exciting edition of Bruce the Moose, a weekly webcomic that is heading in a very odd and exciting direction. Check it out on the dedicated Bruce page!


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