Annie Donley's Teake it or Leave it advise

Local comedian/person of wisdom Annie Donley is back to help guide those in search of direction, armed with her unique perspective on life and no-nonsense approach.

This is Teake it or Leave it advise

hey dude

how do you send a follow-up email to a place that you are trying to work for, when they didn't respond to your last email you sent 8 days ago?

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Ian Abramson Answers the FAQs About “7 Minutes in Purgatory” Without Hearing the Questions

Stand-up is a comedian telling jokes, and an audience responding. The comedians knows how they’re doing based on that response.

So what if the comedian had no idea if they were bombing, or killing?

On May 17th at 10:30pm at The Upstairs Gallery, I’m teaming up with The Steamroller to present , where I hope to find out.

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Two Bunnies Eating Flowers, Sovereign, & @TheArthurMiller

This month, HIJINKS is doing the Crucible (yes, THE Crucible). It seemed like a lofty task at first, seeing how The Crucible has already been perfected by High Schoolers across the globe. While HIJINKS wanted to put their own unique spin on it, they still wanted to do the play and the man behind the play justice. After a little bit of research, they stumbled upon Arthur Miller’s (yes, THE Arthur Miller’s) Twitter account. But how could they be sure it was really him?

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Comedians in Cars Getting Weird About Race Stuff by Sean Rose

Most of us, by now, have seen . If you haven't, a quick synopsis: the interviewer mentioned that on Jerry's show Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee, most of the guests were white men. Before he could finish this question, Jerry got a little agitated - clearly, a nerve was hit - and eventually said the following:

"People think it's the census or something … who cares? Funny is the world that I live in. You're funny — I'm interested. You're not funny — I'm not interested. I have no interest in gender or race or anything like that, but everyone else is kind of with their little calculating – 'Is this the exact right mix?' – to me, it's anti-comedy, it's more about PC nonsense than 'Are you making us laugh or not?'"

This turned into a thing. GawkerSplitsider, and a few other places picked up on it. And, eventually, lots of my friends involved in comedy got wind of it and started posting about it. It sparked a bit of a debate, with a bunch of mixed perspectives, but one side of the debate seemed to be prevalent: that this interviewer was out of line for even bringing up race, that Jerry's comments were 100% valid, and that expecting Comedians Getting Cars to have a 'diverse' set of guests is ridiculous. I might have caught a Martin Luther King quote here, an affirmative action mention there. But the overall verdict, from almost every comedian friend I know: Jerry is right. Totally right.

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5 Life Lessons from Bubble Boys' Sven and Henry

Last year, I spoke with the creators of Bubble Boys, an improvised old-timey radio show podcast following the misadventures of two best friends and inventors, all about the inspiration behind the show's first season. 

Earlier this year, the Bubble Boys returned to the airwaves for a second series, ten years after their release from prison, as World War II rages on. Sven and Henry's myriad real world experiences has afforded them tons of wisdom, which they have been kind enough to share with Steamroller readers. 

You can (and should!) subscribe to the podcast here, it's very funny and features many familiar voices from the Chicago sketch & improv scenes!

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Tommy Mac presents: Mac's Menswear

Trying to figure out the look to turn your spring fling into a sure thing? Thinking of a shirt to impress your distant parents? Wondering how you’re going to dazzle at the big office dance? You sir, are in for a treat.

Hot off NYFW (New York Fashion Week for the sartorially challenged), I am pleased to announce that I will be the purveyor of The Steamroller’s men’s fashion column.

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A talk between John Eisenrich & Christina Boucher

John Eisenrich and Christina Boucher, former Late Live Show writers and BEST FRIENDS, are working on new sketch shows. and Virgin Daiquiri Presents: Lean Back are paired together for a run on Saturday nights at iO starting tomorrow night!

These two recently sat down for a chat about their new shows. Check it out, and then buy your tickets for this damn thing, both casts are stacked as heck and it's gonna be so good!

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